Monday, July 11, 2011

3 Tips for High Blood Pressure That Are Highly Effective

By Vania Kraft

High blood pressure is an issue that has affected more people every year over the last few years. More and more people are working out less and eating crappy food more often which can increase obesity as well as causing high blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure (also known as hypertension), there are many steps you can take to control it, and we'll be covering some of these in this article.

Losing weight is something that may help you to reduce your blood pressure. People who are obese or overweight are at higher risk for heart disease and high blood pressure.

There are some diets that can help with this and some are better than others but you need to get exercise as well so that you can burn off the calories that you want to lose. When you want to diet, it is important that you focus on eating healthier foods in smaller portions. When you lose weight and get more exercise you can usually normalize your blood pressure though if it is very high you might also need medicine to help you regulate it. The importance of healthy fatty acids and Omega-3 for reducing blood pressure and risks of heart disease is very well known. Your blood pressure can be lowered and your health can be increased by taking fish, cranberry, coconut, olive or flax oils. If you take a fish oil supplement, make sure you can verify that the fish come from unpolluted waters, which is becoming more difficult all the time. It is because of this that some people want to find other sources for their healthy fats but if you're determined to use fish you should know that there are still some healthy fish oils available too. Taking in enough healthy fats is a simple way to reduce both your cholesterol and your risk of high blood pressure.

One high blood pressure treatment that has gotten a lot of attention over the last few years is resveratrol. You can find this in wine, grapes and blueberries. While some researchers believe that your health can be greatly improved by drinking one glass of wine a day, you need to remember that alcohol is only beneficial in small doses as large doses can cause your blood pressure to raise and your liver to be damaged. There are some people who are prone to alcoholism and if you are one of them you should avoid all alcohol. You shouldn't have any problems finding resveratrol supplements and it's likely that these supplements are actually the easiest way for you to get the nutrient you need. Resveratrol can easily be one of the things you use to lower your blood pressure.

This article has discussed only a couple of the many remedies and treatments that you can choose from to control your high blood pressure. High blood pressure often results form unhealthy habits that will require regular attention form you to change. A healthier lifestyle is possible through simply retraining your mind and body and lowering your blood pressure.

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