Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Common Causes of High Blood Pressure

By Mark Stephens

The causes of hypertension are not easy to identify since there isn't always a visible reason for it. It's important to get your diagnosis and treatment started early to avoid other potentially harmful side effects of hypertension. Knowing the causes can help you avoid them.

Many women have high blood pressure while pregnant but this is usually not severe although it does need to be treated with medication in some cases. Preeclampsia, a sudden rise in blood pressure to extreme levels during pregnancy, is a dangerous condition for both the mother and the unborn baby. Women who have high blood pressure before becoming pregnant are at a greater risk for this but it can still happen in women with no history of hypertension. This is why it's important for pregnant women to monitor their blood pressure.

Even though there are many habits and elements that make it more likely that you'll develop high blood pressure, in most cases there is not one simple cause that can be identified. Since the causes are hard to pinpoint, you have to have your blood pressure checked to know if it's high. Regardless of whether or not you can figure out the cause of high blood pressure, you can take measures to lower it to a healthy level.

Taking prescribed, over the counter or illegal drugs can also increase your blood pressure. It's common knowledge that high blood pressure can be caused by using cocaine and other illegal drugs. Many drugs that are prescribed, such as for depression or birth control, can also cause hypertension. Some people even have their blood pressure elevated by taking various OTC substances, including nasal decongestants. If you are prone to high blood pressure, then, research any medication you take and always read the labels.

Work with your doctor to find out may be causing your high blood pressure if you have this problem, as there are many causes. When you identify the cause of your high blood pressure, it can help you know what changes you can make to help control it. Even if some of the causes of high blood pressure mentioned above apply to you, you still need to consider your lifestyle and medical history as there are many other causes as well.

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3 Possible Causes of High Blood Pressure

By Melissa Hall

It's not always easy to identify the cause of high blood pressure, as there are many elements that can contribute to hypertension, and in some cases it isn't even possible to find a cause. It's important to get your diagnosis and treatment started early to avoid other potentially harmful side effects of hypertension. Knowing the causes can help you avoid them.

While usually not severe, pregnant women often experience high blood pressure. A sudden rise in blood pressure to extreme levels during pregnancy, called preeclampsia, can be dangerous for both mother and baby. A woman with high blood pressure before pregnancy is at a greater risk for preeclampsia but it can still affect a woman with no history of hypertension. For this reason, it's important for women who are pregnant to have their blood pressure monitored. Some families doom their offspring with high blood pressure via genetics. If one or both of your parents, or other family members, have hypertension, you should be especially watchful for this. Since diabetes and kidney problems can also be associated with high blood pressure it's important to make note of these conditions in your family history too. If you want to control your blood pressure it's important to take control of the factors you have control over such as lifestyle. The idea here is that while genetics may play a role in high blood pressure it's a good idea to pay close attention to your disposition to it.

Studies indicate, however, that if you quit smoking, you can improve your health and lower your blood pressure, no matter how long you've been smoking. Stress is another common cause of high blood pressure. All you need to do is learn to process life's little stressors more appropriately to calm your stress levels. For example, you can be very busy and still learn how to relax, or you can be a "Type A" personality and let everything upset you. You are more likely to develop high blood pressure if you tend to be angry, stressed, or tense more often than not. You will need to find some ways to relax and manage these feelings before they have an adverse affect on your health. If you can learn how to relax and reduce stress in your life, you can lower your blood pressure.

Your arteries and blood pressure are actually benefited by the good kind of cholesterol, which is HDL. You can increase the levels of good cholesterol in your body by getting more exercise and eating a healthy diet. Lowering your levels of bad cholesterol is mainly a matter of avoiding unhealthy foods, such as fast food, and most foods that contain processed carbohydrates and trans fats. Good health involves paying attention to many factors, and your blood pressure and cholesterol are among the most important of these.

Because there are many causes of high blood pressure, you should work with your doctor to determine why you may have developed it if you have been diagnosed. Knowing what caused your blood pressure can be a key in figuring out how to control or even reverse it. Because there are many causes of high blood pressure, even if some of the ones mentioned above apply to you, you should still examine your lifestyle and medical history.

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The Very Best Treatments for High Blood Pressure

By Vania Kraft

An ever increasing problem in today's world is the obesity rate as well as lack of exercise which is leading to an increase in high blood pressure. Luckily this serious health problem can be reversed with simple lifestyle changes and improvements in your diet. In this article, we'll be discussing some helpful remedies that can lower your blood pressure.

One way to lower your blood pressure is to lose weight. If you are overweight or are obese the risks of high blood pressure and heart disease are higher than they are for other people.

Sure you can go on diets (some are better than others) but in addition to dieting you also need to get regular exercise if you truly want to lose weight. When it comes to your diet, it's important to focus on eating both healthier foods and limited quantities. Losing weight and increasing your activity are great for regulating your blood pressure though if it is really high then you might need medication to help you lower it further.

In spite of using needles (which are very small, we promise), acupuncture can help you relax which can help you lower your blood pressure. If you're thinking about making use of Chinese and/or Indian medicine then be sure to find a qualified doctor in your area who can help you. This type of treatment originated long ago and is very useful as a high blood pressure remedy.

You can lower your blood pressure by eating plenty of vegetables and fruits. Even though they hear it regularly, most people ignore this advice and continue to eat lots of sweets, carbs and meat. Mangoes, pomegranates, currants, blueberries, celery, asparagus, cabbage and other fruits and leafy vegetables can all be used to get lots of nutrients and treat your high blood pressure. For good measure you might also try eating "superfruits" like acai, goji, mangosteen and noni.

There are many treatments and remedies to choose from if you want to control your high blood pressure. Often a person has developed high blood pressure through unhealthy habits or lifestyle choices, therefore it will require regular attention to treat it. A healthier lifestyle is possible through simply retraining your mind and body and lowering your blood pressure.

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Monday, April 2, 2012

High Blood Pressure Tips

By Kate Thomas

Most people think that low blood pressure is desirable, but this is a problem at times. Usually low blood pressure means that the person is in good health but not always. The nurses in the office of a doctor will usually check the blood pressure of each person at the beginning of any medical appointment. A blood pressure check can provide the nurse and the doctor with some insight into the condition of each patient.

It could be the sign of a problem in the endocrine system, or this also could be a neurological problem.High blood pressure is a sign of trouble in the human system, and each patient should work with their doctor to lower the blood pressure to normal levels. High blood pressure can affect people at any age, but this condition is a more common problem as people age.

Most of the discussion about blood pressure centers around keeping the numbers below 140 and 90. Blood pressure above those numbers is considered to be high blood pressure.The kit will provide the medical professional with two numbers that provide information on the blood pressure of each patient. The two numbers are known as the systolic and diastolic numbers. These numbers should stay below 140 and 90. Any reading over these two numbers would be considered high blood pressure. Each person who has a number above should immediately devise a strategy with the doctor for lowering the numbers.

People with high blood pressure should not despair. There are several steps that people can take to reduce their blood pressure. The first thing that each person should do to reverse the effects of high blood pressure is to lose weight if the weight is not at appropriate levels. There are several diets that can be used effectively to lose weight. Some diets with certain kinds of fish are especially effective for people who want to lose weight and lower their blood pressure.

People with high blood pressure should try to avoid foods with a lot of salt. Many of the foods in cans and packages have a huge amount of salt. These foods could be a cause of high blood pressure. Salt substitute might be used to eliminate the adverse effects of salt in the diet. People can use other spices to take the place of salt as a flavoring. People with high blood pressure should try to exercise regularly. This exercise should have a positive effect on lowering blood pressure. There are medications for blood pressure which a doctor will prescribe for those with a blood pressure problem. These medications can significantly lower the blood pressure.

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Monday, March 26, 2012

What High Blood Pressure Can Do To You

By Gina Parks

High blood pressure can have many bad effects on your body's organs. What it can do to your heart is especially alarming. You should be aware that there is a close connection between hypertension and heart disease.

Moderate to high blood pressure significantly increases the load on the left side of the heart. Arterioles tend to become diseased or constricted, which would increase the resistance to blood flow. So the heart would have to work harder to pump blood into the arteries.

When muscles are overused, they increase in size and bulk. The heart muscles react the same way. An enlarged heart is not good.

You can detect heart enlargement in many ways. A chest x-ray can reveal it. So can an electrocardiogram or even a physical examination.

Hypertension usually causes the walls of the left ventricle to thicken. This increases the workload on the heart. In time, the heart will weaken, and the left side of the heart will no longer be able to pump blood adequately.

So the organs and tissues of the body would lack blood supply. Lethargy and weakness can then be observed in that person.

And because there is higher pressure in the left ventricle, blood from the lungs cannot drain properly into the atrium of the heart. The lung tissues would then get congested, causing breathlessness and coughs.

The patient would have dry cough or frothy phlegm with blood stains. This is a very scary experience to the sufferer and onlookers. During an acute attack, the patient would feel like he's choking to death.

You may first notice breathlessness caused by heart problems during lengthy physical exertion. If the person's condition progresses even further, then he might get breathless even when he's resting.

This is very serious and should be treated right away. If this should get worse, the right side of the heart will also be affected. When pressure builds up in the right atrium, it will be difficult for veins to drain blood into it.

When the heart's condition deteriorates to this stage, the external jugular veins may become enlarged and more prominent. These veins are naturally close to the skin, but heart condition may cause them to become very prominent.

There are several other symptoms of right side heart failure. They include an enlarged liver, swollen ankles and feet, loss of appetite, swollen abdomen and lower urine flow.

Hypertension and heart disease often have a cause and effect relationship. Keep your lifestyle healthy to avoid getting both.

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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Cure Your High Blood Pressure Using The High Blood Pressure Remedy Report

By Linda Parker

Many people can end up dying from high blood pressure mainly because they do not even realize that they have this concern, which is why this is referred to as silent killer. You ought to be aware that the only way doctors typically treat this is by providing medication which doesn't cure your high blood pressure it simply helps keep it in check. However one way that you can actually contend with this is by obtaining the high blood pressure remedy report. With virtually no worry, unsafe drugs, pain or wasted cash, you can use an all natural home remedy to get rid of your risk of a heart attack.

One thing I should point out is that you do need to act quickly when you find out you have high blood pressure and also the same and goes for this program. There aren't any expensive drugs, without their harmful unwanted effects, or confusing medical malarkey. High blood pressure is something which has affected many people and more than likely you know at least one person who deals with this on a regular basis. However if you choose to use this program you're going to discover that you can actually reverse your high blood pressure in just a few days. Although some people's high blood pressure is a result of being overweight, you are going to discover that this program will even have the ability to help those men and women lower their blood pressure.

This report is by a man named Craig Anderson, who's known right now as The Blood Pressure Guy, he came up with a way to lower blood pressure, by utilizing nothing but natural substances. In the report you are additionally going to learn how these big pharmaceutical companies are actually conning you into giving them money. For people who have actually done any research on the subject you need to recognize that a number of the cures that they offer you for your high blood pressure can in fact end up being worse than your high blood pressure itself. One side effect is the removal of nutrients from your body do to diuretics, and this really causes you to need to take beta blockers the rest of your life. If your prescription medication is an Alpha Blocker, then you may gain weight, increase your heart beat, give you a constant headache, consequently making you too weak to play with your children. Yet another fact that may surprise you is that this medication can actually wind up causing your heart to fail, which is obviously much worse than high blood pressure in the first place.

It's bad enough that you receive these side effects, but you need to pay plenty of money for these pills, and they do not even cope with the cause of your problem. The only reason most folks take the medication to begin with is simply because they were unaware that there was another all natural option available. Also if you take a look at their site you're going to find that Craig actually used this program himself to be able to prove the results.

This report can be useful to many different men and women whether they suffer from high blood pressure or not simply because every person knows somebody who does have this problem. Simply because your BP is normal early on in life, doesn't mean that it's going to stay there.

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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

High Blood Pressure is Not Okay

By Jack Simpson

High blood pressure levels may be a common problem for folks as they age, this is unquestionably not something that should be accepted as normal.

It is typically called the silent killer, hypertension (high blood pressure) is the reason a fair deal of the people don't reach the age that they should be expecting. High blood pressure is basically brought about by narrowing of the arteries which makes it tougher for one's heart to pump blood through the body. Whenever the blood isn't flowing readily to all the parts of the body the result of that absence of oxygen to the tissues is increased aging.

In addition to this accelerated aging you will find the other things associated with heart and kidney disease and strokes that may lead to an early death. With high blood pressure levels, due to the fact that the heart has to continue to work harder to pump the blood round the body, this increased pressure causes more toughening of the arteries which makes it all the harder on the heart to maintain the blood supply.

By staying away from the danger foods which can cause high blood pressure such as salt, caffeine, sugar and refined grains you'll be helping reduce the possibility of getting high blood pressure and in doing so improve your odds of living longer. Decreasing the strain in your life will also help as will getting acceptable sleep regularly.

Essential fats will help you maintain better health and garlic has been shown to cut down blood pressure level. Working out will help to lower blood pressure and you will also get all of the other benefits that exercise brings with it like improved muscle tone, lower fat, and sometimes a more positive outlook on life that may also lower levels of stress. In the event your blood pressure is high then you'll need medicine to get it to far more acceptable levels but you must still make the mandatory life changes that can ultimately help you in getting off the medication and lead a good and long life.

There are several natural healthy additions that may aid with high blood pressure. Before picking a drug why don't you try something that could be useful to your body. We use Cardio 5000 to help folks lower their blood pressure.

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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Using A High Blood Pressure Diet As Treatment

By Paul Wyatt

If you are suffering from high blood pressure and not really sure how to go about preventing it from triggering, here are a few examples of high blood pressure diet plans to consider. Before considering a high blood pressure diet, it is better to understand what you are trying to avoid and the signs also. High blood pressure otherwise known as hypertension, usually causes side effects like feeling dizzy, sick, having a headache, blurred eyesight and vomiting also. In order to keep this from happening, control your diet as well as your lifestyle.

Truthfully, there are various examples of high blood pressure diet available today that you might want to look into. Most of them promote a low-sodium diet where any foods that are high in salt content are removed. Some offer a salt substitute to add flavor to your dishes and usually suggest using spices and herbs.

If you are not sure on how to go on about your high blood pressure diet, there are plenty of recipes available that you can use to get your low-calorie diet off to a good start. Here is one recipe that is worth trying out today.

The Banana-Kiwi Salad is one of the most appetizing side dishes that you can make that is packed with vitamins and minerals that your body needs to combat your heart problem.

Here is a list of ingredients to complete this recipe: Two firm, ripe bananas sliced into one-inch slices, Four peeled, diced kiwi, One tbsp of minced shallot, 2 tsp of rice vinegar, 2 tbsp of lime juice, 1 tbsp of canola oil. You'll need 2 tablespoons of fresh mint, sliced thinly; 1 teaspoon of honey, 2 tablespoons of cashews - chopped, 1/2 teaspoon of salt and Cayenne pepper.

It all begins by whisking together vinegar, lime juice, cayenne, honey, oil, shallot, cayenne and salt in a bowl. Add the bananas, kiwis, mint, and bell pepper. The ingredients should be tossed to ensure that it is all coated. Add the cashews on top and serve. Surely this recipe will be an instant favorite because it is very easy to prepare plus it is healthy and can reduce your chances of having high blood pressure again.

If you are following a diet for high blood pressure, there are many interesting recipes to try. Most of the ingredients that are commonly used are fruits, vegetables, lean meat, fish and others that are known for their healthy properties that can help you enjoy life fully without having to worry about suffering from hypertension.

If you are ready to say goodbye to all the usual symptoms of hypertension, then you better start changing your daily diet to a high blood pressure diet today. For sure, you will be feeling much better soon enough and would probably stick to a healthier diet now that you can manage to control your hypertension.

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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Hypertension 101 - Ways On How To Treat High Blood Pressure

By Ann Louise

High blood pressure is can be treated by medicines and way of life modification. In most cases, folks with high blood pressure call for a lengthy term remedies and often, it may took a lifetime. Sticking using the therapy regimen can be a ought to. By doing this, it's going to delay or even stop complications or damaging of physique organs.

Therapy Objectives for High Blood Pressure:

The goal is to maintain the normal blood pressure below 140/90mmHg. For some adults who are diabetics or has kidney disease, the goal is to maintain a blood pressure of 130/80mmHg.

Lifestyle Modification for High Blood Pressure:

Well being way of life and habits can enable you to maintain your blood pressure levels. It could be the following:

1. Quit or avoid cigarette smoking.

2. Follow a healthy diet. Eat healthy foods avoid too much cholesterol and fats.

3. Maintain a healthy weight. Steer clear of getting obese.

4. Do some workouts.

5. Manage or manage stress and understand to cope with it.

In the event you do all these points, greatest outcomes might be achieved instead of taking 1 at a time. Creating these way of life modifications may be hard for several. It is possible to start off by gradually adopting these changes, until you might have gained a healthy lifestyle.

In some cases, people with high blood pressure can maintain their blood pressure levels by just lifestyle modification alone, but there are people that needed some other treatments like drugs and physical therapies.

Medicines for High Blood Pressure:

Nowadays, medicines for high blood pressure can now safely treat people with high blood pressure. These medicines are also easy to take and the side effects are just minor. They include the following:

1. Diuretics - These drugs are sometimes called "water pills". These drugs facilitate the kidneys to get rid of excess salt and water in the body. These will help lessen the fluid amount in the blood thus the blood pressure will go down.

2. Beta-Blockers - These drugs will make your heartbeat go slower and with lesser force in pumping thus making your blood pressure go down.

3. Ace Inhibitors and Ansiotensin II Receptor Blocker - Prevents the body from secreting the hormone angiotensin II (which is responsible for the narrowing of blood vessels). Without angiotensin, the blood pressure levels will eventually go down.

4. Calcium Blockers - It prevents calcium form entering the blood vessels also as heart therefore permitting the muscle cells to relax the blood pressure ultimately go down.

5. Other medicines utilized for treatments for high blood pressure consist of alpha blockers, alpha-beta blockers, nervous program inhibitors and vasodilators

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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Hypertension 101 - Amazing Home Remedy For High Blood Pressure

By Ann Louise

High blood pressure is usually controlled simply by just taking in some precautions at your property. Here are some helpful homemade remedies and natural cures for high blood pressure:

1. Two tablespoonfuls of honey plus a teaspoonful of lime mixed in a glass of water is certainly a very good remedy for high blood pressure. You could drink it twice every day, one within the morning and one at night.

2. Eating some oranges and other kinds of fruits that are rich in vitamin C is rather good for the treatment of high blood pressure. It is going to eventually go down for 2 to three days of everyday use. Yet, if your high blood pressure levels are too high, oranges are still a must especially on an empty stomach. This is an assured treatment for high blood pressure.

3. Watermelon is often a fruit which is incredibly advantageous for persons with circumstances of high blood pressure. Watermelon juice is like an elixir to many people with very high levels of blood pressure. 3 to 4 days of day-to-day consumption of watermelon juice will ultimately make your blood pressure levels go back to regular range. You could take this cure for a whole month.

4. Shilajit mineral as well as the Rauwolfia plant extract are quite helpful for consumers with high blood pressure. Taking these herbs in equal amounts 3 times a day with milk will bring your high blood pressure levels back to regular.

5. The papaya fruit is also very beneficial normalizing high blood pressure levels. Taking 2 to 3 slices of papaya fruit every morning and in the evening will flush out toxins out from the body and will also clean out your bowels. This "wonder fruit" has a lot of benefits for the health, and normalizing blood pressure levels is only one of them.

6. Other herbs and natural remedies used to treat high blood pressure are triphala choorna (which is a traditional Ayurvedic medicine made from powders of the 3 essential fruits: amalaki, bibhitaki and haritaki).

7. Ionized water for drinking is also good for lowering high blood pressure levels. 8-10 glasses of ionized water a day is very good for the health of an individual.

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