Thursday, August 4, 2011

High Blood Pressure and Headaches - What You need to Do to Ease the Pressure

By Lynn Odonnell

High blood pressure or hypertension is extremely popular amongst Americans, but it typically goes undetected. When the illness just isn't under control in a timely manner, it has great prospective to cause further complications.

Subsequently, the cardiovascular illness does not trigger symptoms, as a result generating it tough to detect. During the last stages of hypertension, nevertheless, there are many symptoms that may occur. Among the symptoms that you may possibly experience and is widely associated with the illness will be the high blood pressure headaches.

Experiencing excruciating headaches is vastly attributed to high blood pressure. It often serves as a warning sign of this severe cardiovascular disorder. Typically, men and women with high blood pressure suffer with migraine or tension headaches.

The far more elevated that your blood pressure climbs, the discomfort from the headache increases. Physicians often prescribe drugs including calcium channel blockers and beta-blockers as they both are successful for treating the blood pressure along with the actual headache. They are particular employed to narrow your blood vessels.

Once again, hypertension induces significant pressure difficulties in the head causing migraine or tension headaches. Extreme pressure placed on the blood vessels stops typical flow of blood from the head which results in localized high blood pressure and headaches.

You could also suffer with facial discomfort, eye discomfort and nosebleeds during the method. It may possibly also result in a feeling of nausea or faint. As there is no certain cure for hypertension headaches, there's numerous treatment suggestions that medical professionals provide to minimize or limit the discomfort of the migraine.

Throughout the mild stages of headaches, over-the-counter medications like acetaminophen, ibuprofen or aspirin may be effective. Nevertheless, over usage of these drugs tend to trigger rebound headaches. Ideally, if your blood pressure continues to elevate, the headaches will worsen, for that reason you need to consider specific prescribed medications.

When symptoms of the painful high blood pressure and headaches start, it's suggested that you rest in a quiet and darkened room. In addition, you are encouraged to drink plenty of fluids to steer clear of dehydration. Placing a cool cloth on your head has proven quite effective.

Repeated blood pressure measurements are important in that it gives the needed info to your physician. Severe blood pressure measurements can trigger high blood pressure headaches; solely related to cardiovascular conditions. The migraine and tension headaches are one of the most common amongst cardiac symptoms. If the symptoms persist, it really is strongly recommended that you contact your main physician instantly.

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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

How Can Exercise Reduce Your Blood Pressure?

By Owen Jones

If you are concerned about your blood pressure being high, which is also known as hypertension, you are almost certainly wondering what you can do about it. Well, no advice on medical matters would be complete without the get-out phrase of telling you to chat about it with your GP first, so now that we have got that out of the way, there are several things that you can do that your doctor will not argue with.

The first is to lose weight by means of a prudent diet, if you are overweight. Cut down on salt and eat more fresh fruit and vegetables. The second is to quit smoking, the third is to not imbibe so much alcohol and the fourth, the subject of this article, is to take more exercise. Exercise will help you reduce weight and it will also reduce your blood pressure.

Blood pressure tends to increase with age and age has a tendency to coincide with a less active vocation, as you are promoted into the office and a less active home life as the kids are older and have probably left home. If you let watching TV take over from walking as your foremost kind of entertainment, the likelihood is that you will develop hypertension.

The fact is, that you ought to be taking more exercise as you become older not less. Exercising will not just reduce your hypertension, but avoiding hypertension will also reduce your likelihood of having a stroke and having kidney disease. Exercising is a medium to long term strategy, because the premise of the tactic is to fortify the heart. Exercising will cause your heart to beat faster which will make it stronger.

A stronger heart will have less trouble pumping your blood around. Exercise can reduce your blood pressure by ten points or ten millilitres. Exercise can not just reduce your hypertension, but it can prevent you from procuring it.

If you have let yourself go, beware of exercising too strenuously at the start. Do not put excessive strain on your heart for the first couple of months. What can you do? Well, walking or swimming is a decent start. Most doctors would agree that hiking merely thirty minutes every morning and thirty minutes each evening can make a big difference to your heart and your blood pressure.

You can walk in the open air or if that is inconvenient, you could get a stepping machine. After a few of months, you will be fit enough to take on more arduous exercises like yoga or going to a gym.

If you are worried about over doing it, you should join a gym where someone will keep an eye on you or even think up a routine for you. A home blood pressure monitor is a useful device to have. The best sort to have is the fully automatic digital monitor with a self-inflating cuff. If you get one that has a memory, you can easily evaluate your progress at reducing your hypertension.

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Monday, August 1, 2011

Preventing High Blood Pressure

By Owen Jones

If you are concerned about your blood pressure going too high, you will almost certainly go to your doctor to ask for advice. Your GP will invariably want you to attempt some lifestyle changes or / and take medication if this does not have an effect. Making lifestyle alterations is the first strategy, but it does not always work. It usually does, but just not every time.

However, it is vital to try to reduce your blood pressure, also called hypertension, before you go on medication. Lots of individuals are of the opinion that once your body relies on medication to moderate its hypertension, you will never be able to get yourself off the tablets. This is what my GP told me. Therefore, if it goes against your personal beliefs to take tablets, now is the time to do something about it.

The first thing to do is quit smoking and if you regularly drink too much alcohol, to cut back on that too, as both actions will have the effect of raising your blood pressure. Adopting these measures will also have knock-on effects for the remainder of your body. You will be fitter in general by not smoking at all and not drinking very much.

The next thing to do is to increase your level of daily activity. Do you take any exercise at all? If not, you will be amazed at how much two thirty-minute sessions of light exercise will help. Walk for thirty minutes in the morning and evening or replace one walk for thirty minutes gardening or swimming.

Diet is another way of beating off the hypertension tablets. Salt, or sodium as it is frequently referred to, is a major cause of hypertension, mostly because it encourages water retention. So, cutting back on salt or following a sodium depleted diet can have a major effect on your blood pressure.

Try substituting something else for salt: more pepper, a mixture of some other herbs or simply leave it out altogether. After a couple of weeks you will not notice, except that everybody else's cooking will taste really heavily over-salted! I did this quite successfully.

Add more fresh fruit and vegetables to your diet, because that will also decrease your hypertension. Eating less fat and red meat will also help. Stress is a main factor in hypertension, endeavor to relax a bit more and possibly take up meditation or yoga.

If you are on medication, it is possible that the drugs are raising your blood pressure. If you think that this might be the case, take your drugs to the physician and ask his opinion. You may be able to replace some of them. Some of the drugs that can have an adverse effect are: oral contraceptives, steroids, anti-depressants and cold / flu medicines.

You will notice that lots of these methods for reducing your (possible) hypertension are related, so if you are an over-weight, inactive smoker who enjoys a drink, you can do a great deal by remedying that and your pressure will fall and you will become healthier in other ways as well.

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Headache relief information

Low blood pressure treatment , Symptoms of headaches , Causes of headaches , Cure for hypertension , Blood pressure symptoms , 2012